Newthing | eurasia

The Eurasia region is comprised of 26 countries and territories that has dozens of different language groups and over 300 million people.

This region comprises many countries that were under the control of the former Soviet Union, resulting in decades of severe governmental oversight, hampering the efforts of churches to reach this population. This history of oversight and authoritarianism has left many with a suspicion for authority and religion. Exponential church growth is needed to reach this growing population in creative ways in this changing world.

We help you create a movement of church planting churches across Eurasia.

1. Schedule a Conversation

You’ll see how we’re different from traditional church planting networks and how you fit in with what God’s already doing.

2. Get the tools and methods you need.

We will equip you with everything you need to catalyze a movement of reproducing churches.

3. Make an impact for the Kingdom.

With everything you need already in your hands, you’ll be able to reach more people and produce more disciples.

NewThing Eurasia has been serving the area since 2015.

NewThing has a history of hosting trainings in this region. However, we are still searching for persons of peace who can help us connect to more churches to catalyze church growth in this region. If you are that person, or know that person, please contact us.


Kejdis Bakalli

Newthing catalyst

Timo Heimlich

Regional Director