Newthing | Latin America

The Latin America region is comprised of 33 countries with Spanish as the primary language in most countries.

The majority of people are Catholics with only 19% consider themselves protestant Christian. We want to catalyze movements of reproducing churches to help more people find their way back to God through helping churches collaborate on mission and plant new churches together.

We help you create a movement of church planting churches across Latin America.

1. Schedule a Conversation

You’ll see how we’re different from traditional church planting networks and how you fit in with what God’s already doing.

2. Get the tools and methods you need.

We will equip you with everything you need to catalyze a movement of reproducing churches.

3. Make an impact for the Kingdom.

With everything you need already in your hands, you’ll be able to reach more people and produce more disciples.

NewThing Latin America has been serving the region since 2020.

Churches collaborating together to serve their city and neighborhoods is something that common in Latin America. But since we’ve been intentional in connecting with pastors and church planters, we see that there is an emerging generation of pastors that don’t want to do ministry alone and we’re seeing churches to start working together to expand God’s Kingdom. NewThing Latin America is committed to the great collaboration, helping church planters, pastors and churches work together to plant more churches so that more and more people can find their way back to God.

Latin America

Obe Arellano

Regional Director

Eleazar Martinez

Relationships catalyst

Joseph Reynoso

Resources catalyst