Atlanta Murders Statement - Intersection of Gender-Based Violence and Racism

As a global multi-cultural, multi-ethnic church planting movement representing churches and followers of Jesus from all over the world we mourn the news of the eight murders in Atlanta, six of whom were Asian women. This loss of life is heartbreaking for so many reasons.

  • First, the taking of a sacred life by another breaks the heart of God.

  • Additionally, the fact that this heinous action was done by someone who is a member of a Christian church pushes people farther from the Gospel.

  • And that the murders occurred at the intersection of gender-based violence and racism is antithetical to God’s dream for his Kingdom.

We lament and repent for anything we have done that contributes to women being seen as less than or people of another skin color being valued as less than human. As a movement we recommit ourselves to being a catalyst for reproducing churches that bring God’s Kingdom to earth through confession, lament, restitution and an ongoing posture of learning and humility.


10,000 Church Plants


B.L.E.S.S – Good News the Way Non-Christians Want to Hear it