Changes are coming: Why you should become a Movement Maker

The necessity of navigating a global church community to continuously remind leaders why movements matter means that NewThing itself is constantly on alert for changes because we’re always seeking the best way to elevate the message of the Kingdom. As an organization that sparks new movements, NewThing has been around since 2005. In that time, we’ve spread and grown into a worldwide collaboration of churches in 40 countries. 

And we aren’t done yet!

Not by a long shot. 

NewThing is committed to being a Movement Maker, one that sparks and catalyzes individuals like you and me into becoming Kingdom-shaking Movement Makers. 

We believe that Movement Makers are necessary because Movement Makers aren’t content with starting or revitalizing one single church. They think big. They dream bigger. They know that God’s Kingdom is built through visions of churches spread across our cities, our countries, our world. Movement Makers know that one person can make a difference and that it will take a lot of us, investing in other leaders, investing in our churches, and investing in our networks to spark a movement. 

That’s where NewThing comes in. 

There are lots of organizations out there that can help with launch planning or picking the ideal location for a new church. Our dream is different than that. We want to come alongside you to think and dream bigger than a single church or even a single city. We want you to embrace the God-sized dream inside you - the one that comes out when you’re relaxed with friends or that you feel God tugging on your heart in your stillest moments. 

We want you to embrace that because we know that movements are the way we’re going to reach the whole world with the good news of God’s love, grace, and hope. What if the church you're dreaming about could lead to seven more churches? That’s what we are seeing with churches planted in a NewThing network - a crazy, new kind of growth. 

We know that when individuals commit to bringing that vision to life in their backyards, that whole landscapes of cities and countries can and will change.

And you can be a part of it! You can help bring God’s vision to life as a Movement Maker, someone who works toward the largest picture yet - that of the whole world hearing and turning to God!  

Changes are coming to NewThing - changes that will allow NewThing to come alongside all Movement Makers to inspire change and growth in the DNA of our churches. We’re excited to unveil those changes over the coming months, so stay tuned and remember that each of us is a potential Movement Maker because God wants to use each of us to bring about the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!

Schedule a conversation with one of our leaders today to talk about your dream. Or if you’re already involved in one of our Networks, maybe it’s time to think about a bigger role or a bigger dream! 


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